Pairing and Debugging

In order to debug Monaca app with Monaca CLI, you need to pair your host PC (running Monaca CLI) with your device (running Monaca Debugger).

Before connecting Monaca Debugger to your host PC, please pay attention to the following points:

  1. Monaca Debugger and the host PC have to connect to the same network

    connection (LAN or Wi-Fi). Some public networks do not allow

    connections between clients; therefore, pairing cannot be done in

    this case.

  2. Use the same Monaca account for both Monaca Debugger and the host


  3. Disable the host PC's firewall.

Start pairing

  1. Launch Monaca Debugger app on your device and sign in using your

    Monaca account information. Make sure you are using the same account

    information that you are using with the Monaca CLI.

  2. In the command line window on your PC, navigate to your project folder and use the monaca debug command to connect to the Monaca Debugger:

$ monaca debug

3. Then, a popup message prompting you to pair the Monaca Debugger with the host PC will appear. After this, your application should run on the debugger.

4. If your pairing is successful, your local project’s name will appear under Local Projects in the Monaca Debugger. However, if the pairing doesn't work, refer to Fail to Pair Monaca Debugger.

Stop pairing

There are two ways to stop the pairing:

1. From the PC

In the same command window on your PC which you are running the monaca debug command, please press ctrl + C to break the debug process between your PC and Monaca Debugger.

2. From Monaca Debugger

  1. Open the toggle menu on the top-left corner and click Local Computers.

  2. The connected PC will be shown. Click theℹ️ icon of the connected PC (see the screenshot below).

3. The information of the connected PC will be shown. Click the Unpair this computer button to disconnect from the selected PC. Pair your device back to the PC if you want to debug your app again.

See Also:

Last updated

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