This is a sample game based on pixi.js which is a super fast HTML5 2D rendering engine that uses webGL with canvas fallback. For more information about Pixi, please refer to here. In the game, player controlls a paddle to prevent a ball from falling while trying to clear the bricks. The objective of the game is to clear all the bricks.
A JavaScript file handling various implementation in the application
Style Sheet for the whole application
All image files needed to use this template
A true type font
Required JS/CSS Components
Source Code Explanation
main.js is a JavaScript file handling various functionalities of the application.
Below is the code of BB object which is the main object of this application. Its properties are screensize, paddle, balls, blocks, score and so on. Its methods are creating block map (setMap()), creating a ball (addBall()), creating a paddle (addPaddle()), resetting the game after it ended (reset()), calculating the score (addScore()), ending the game (endGame()) and so on.
...varBB= { stage:newPIXI.Stage(0x000000), renderer:null, screenSize:null, paddle:null, balls: [], blocks: [], score:0, scoreLabel:null, accelLabel:null, isMouseDown:false,// Create blocks mapsetMap:function() {var blockMap = [ [null,null,null,null,null,'blue',null,null,null,null], [null,null,null,null,'red','red','blue',null,null,null], [null,null,null,'red','red',null,null,'blue',null,null], [null,null,'red','red',null,null,null,null,'blue',null], [null,'red','red',null,null,'gold',null,null,'silver','silver'], [null,null,'red','red',null,null,null,'silver','silver',null], [null,null,null,'red','red',null,'silver','silver',null,null], [null,null,null,null,'silver','silver','silver',null,null,null], [null,null,null,null,null,'silver',null,null,null,null] ];for(j =0; j <blockMap.length; j++) {for(i =0; i < blockMap[j].length; i++) {if(blockMap[j][i] !==null) {var block =BB.addBlock(10+ (30* i),80+ (12* j), blockMap[j][i]); } } } },/** * @param{int} x * @param{int} y * @param{String} color red,blue,silver,gold * @return{Object} block **/addBlock:function(x, y, color) {switch (color) {case"red":case"blue":var point =SETTINGS_POINT;break;case"silver":var point =SETTINGS_POINT_SILVER;break;case"gold":var point =SETTINGS_POINT_GOLD;break;default:var point =SETTINGS_POINT; color ="red";break; }var texture =PIXI.Texture.fromImage(imgPath["block_"+ color],false);var block =newPIXI.Sprite(texture);block.anchor.x =0.5;block.anchor.y =0.5;block.position.x = x;block.position.y = y;block.width =30;block.height =12;block.point = point;BB.stage.addChild(block);BB.blocks.push(block);return block; },// Create a ball and add it to PIXI.StageaddBall:function() {var texture =PIXI.Texture.fromImage(imgPath["ball"],false);var ball =newPIXI.Sprite(texture);ball.anchor.x =0.5;ball.anchor.y =0.5;ball.position.x =parseInt(BB.renderer.width *0.5);ball.position.y =200;ball.width =10;ball.height =10; = {'x':Math.random() -0.5,'y':-0.4 };BB.stage.addChild(ball);BB.balls.push(ball); },// Create a paddle and add it to PIXI.StageaddPaddle:function() {var texture =PIXI.Texture.fromImage(imgPath["paddle"],false);BB.paddle =newPIXI.Sprite(texture);BB.paddle.anchor.x =0.5;BB.paddle.anchor.y =0.5;BB.paddle.position.x =parseInt(BB.renderer.width *0.5);BB.paddle.position.y =BB.renderer.height -60;BB.paddle.width =60;BB.paddle.height =10;BB.paddle.accel =0; = {'x':Math.random() -0.5,'y':-3.8 };BB.stage.addChild(BB.paddle); },/** * Add points to current score * @param{int} val points to add */addScore:function(val) {BB.score +=parseInt(val);BB.scoreLabel.setText(BB.score); },/** * Set score * @param{int} val new score */setScore:function(val) {BB.score = val;BB.scoreLabel.setText(BB.score); },/** * callback for Core Cordova Plugins Acceleration Watch * @param{Object} a a.x, a.y, a.z */updateAcceleration:function(a) {var accelText ="", ac =a.x.toFixed(2);if(a.x >0) accelText ='+'+String(ac);else accelText =String(ac);// Use parameter x to move paddleif (BB.paddle !==null) {if (BB.paddle.accel / ac >2.0) { } elseif (BB.paddle.accel / ac >0) {BB.paddle.accel += ac *SETTINGS_PADDLE_ACCEL; } else {BB.paddle.accel = ac *SETTINGS_PADDLE_ACCEL; } }BB.accelLabel.setText(accelText); },// Reset current game and start new onereset:function() {//Reset (remove all children in the stage if exists)for (var i =BB.stage.children.length-1; i >=0; i--) {BB.stage.removeChildAt(i); }BB.balls = [];BB.blocks = [];BB.setMap();for (var i =0; i <SETTINGS_BALL_NUM; i++) {BB.addBall(); }BB.addPaddle();var resetLabel =newPIXI.Text("RESET", {font:"24px/1.2 vt", fill:"red"});resetLabel.position.x =18;resetLabel.position.y =BB.renderer.height -52;BB.stage.addChild(resetLabel);resetLabel.buttonMode =true;resetLabel.interactive =true; =resetLabel.tap=function(data) {BB.reset(); };setTimeout(function() {resetLabel.setText("RESET"); //for Android },1000, resetLabel);var label =newPIXI.Text("SCORE:", {font:"24px/1.2 vt", fill:"red"});label.position.x =20;label.position.y =20;BB.stage.addChild(label);setTimeout(function() {label.setText("SCORE:"); //for Android },1000, label);BB.scoreLabel =newPIXI.Text("0", {font:"24px/1.2 vt", fill:"white"});BB.scoreLabel.position.x =90;BB.scoreLabel.position.y =20;BB.stage.addChild(BB.scoreLabel);BB.setScore(0);/* var label = new PIXI.Text("ACCEL:", {font: "24px/1.2 vt", fill: "red"}); label.position.x = 160; label.position.y = 20; BB.stage.addChild(label); label.setText("ACCEL:"); //for Android BB.accelLabel = new PIXI.Text("0", {font: "24px/1.2 vt", fill: "white"}); BB.accelLabel.position.x = 230; BB.accelLabel.position.y = 20; BB.stage.addChild(BB.accelLabel); */BB.gameState =GAMESTATE_PLAY; },/** * Check whether the ball hits the object * @param{PIXI.Sprite} ball * @param{PIXI.Sprite} obj target object */isBallHit:function(ball, obj) {return (ball.position.x > (obj.position.x - (obj.width *0.5))) && (ball.position.x < (obj.position.x + (obj.width *0.5))) && (ball.position.y > (obj.position.y - (obj.height *0.5))) && (ball.position.y < (obj.position.y + (obj.height *0.5))); },// Game OverendGame:function() {BB.gameState =GAMESTATE_STOP;vibrate(); },// Game ClearclearGame:function() {if(typeofnavigator.notification !=='undefined') navigator.notification.alert("Cleared!",function(){},"Congraturations");elsealert("Cleared!");BB.gameState =GAMESTATE_STOP; }}...
When this page is loading, init() function is called when Cordova is fully loaded or when it's failed to detect the type of the device.
Here is the code of init() function. In this function, BB object is rendered according to the type of device you are using. Then, events listeners related the paddle are added. Also, it renders the paddle position according to each event.