Troubleshooting Guide
In this page, we will describe how to solve some known issues related to Monaca Localkit.
Installation in Windows
When installing Monaca Localkit on Windows, the following screen might show up preventing you from installing the Localkit.
In order to solve this problem, click More Info. Then, click the Run Anyway button.
Installation in Mac OS X
When installing Monaca Localkit in Mac OS X, the following screen might show up preventing you from installing the Localkit.
In order to solve this problem, do as follows:
Open the
System Preferences
and go toSecurity & Privacy
.Click Open Anyway.
3. Now, try installing the app again. It should work on this time.
Removing Monaca Localkit (for Windows)
While uninstalling Monaca Localkit, you might not be able to remove its remaining files. In this case, please remove them manually from Program Files
Incomplete files and folder structure
Monaca/Cordova projects initially consist of the following files and folders:
File/Folder | Description |
| Storage folder for the main body of the application |
| Cordova configuration file |
In this section, we will talk about how to fix your project if the www/
or config.xml
file is missing.
Missing www folder
For standard projects
The user should create a www
folder in the root of the project or restore a previous backup of the folder.
For Webpack projects
folder will be created automatically during the transpiling process. Transpiling is triggered automatically after selecting a project from the project list in the Monaca Localkit if the option is enabled.
Missing the config.xml file
This solution works only if your project exists on Monaca Cloud.
From Localkit, select a project from the project list.
Click Download and the
file will be restored.
The preview window is not refreshing
The problem might be occured with Localkit 4.1.0 and up. Prior to this version, the preview window is served with file://
protocol from the project file. However, this file://
is not supported for project using module
javascript such as the project using vite
tool. Therefore, in Localkit 4.1.0, we have switched to http://
protocol to support newer tool and framework. With this change, there might be some browser cache problems causing the preview windows to remember the previous served projects not the current one as the url is using the same address (by default for all the projects.
To resolve this problem, you can "disable cache" in the chrome developer tools of the preview window and click "refresh" to reload the preview window when needed.
Error while installing
This error might occur on the windows environment when you using nvm
version <= 1.1.7
and npm
version 8.x.x
. This issue is already reported and resolved in NPM github issue -
To resolve this issue, please following steps:
to the latest versionas the time of this writing 1.1.9 -
Install the exe and follow the steps
Restart the PC if neccessary
withRun As Administrator
priviledgere-install node version, for example
nvm uninstall 16.18.0
nvm install 16.18.0
nvm use 16.18.0
Close and open Localkit again
Check the startup log and make sure the node/npm version is correct
Last updated