NIFCLOUD mobile backend


To set up push notifications for Android, you will need to configure settings for the following services.

  1. Firebase settings

  2. NIFCLOUD mobile backend settings

  3. Configuration on Monaca

Configuration in Firebase

In Firebase, create a new project and get the following two files

  • Configuration file:

    • google-services.json

  • Private key file:

    • xxxx-firebase-adminsdk-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxx.json

    (Note that the private key has a different file name for each project.)

After obtaining the two files, the configuration file is set to the Monaca project.

The private key file is set to the NIFCLOUD mobile backend.

Create a new project

Go to Firebase and create a project.

Setting up Cloud Messaging (creating a configuration file)

In Android package name, enter the package name you decided. You can omit the application nickname and signing certificate.

When you register your app, you can download a file 'google-services.json' . We will use this file later.

Generate private key

Return to the Firebase project home page, click the gear icon in the upper right corner, and click Project Settings.

When the project settings are displayed, click on the Service Account tab. Then click the Generate New Private Key button at the bottom.

Configuring in NIFCLOUD mobile backend

Access NIFCLOUD mobile backend. Create a new app.

Click App Settings in the upper right corner and select Allow push notifications in the Push Notifications menu.

In addition, upload the private key file (file name like xxxx-firebase-adminsdk-xxxxx-xxxxxxxx.json) that you just downloaded from Firebase as a push notification configuration file (json) in the Android push notifications section below that.

You can also get the application key and client key from NIFCLOUD mobile backend. We'll use them later.

Configuring in Monaca

Adding a plugin

Open the app you want to implement push notifications for. Or create a new one.

After opening the Cloud IDE, select Manage Cordova Plugins in the Settings menu.

Select 'NIFCloudMB' in the plugin list and press the Enable button.

Android App Settings

Select Android App Settings in the Settings menu.

Then, enter the Android package name.

Upload google-services.json

Upload google-services.json to the root (/) of the Monaca project.

With the file in the root (e.g. package.json) selected, select Upload from the File menu. Then drop google-services.json in the dialog that comes up and upload it.

Writing Code

Create an arbitrary JavaScript file and load it in www/index.html. In this case, www/app.js is created and loaded.

<script src="app.js"></script>


Here is the content of app.js.

  • window.NCMB.monaca.setDeviceToken

    • Obtains the device token and stores it in the NIFCLOUD mobile backend.

  • window.NCMB.monaca.setHandler

    • This is called when a push notification is received.

YOUR_APPLICATION_KEY and YOUR_CLIENT_KEY should be replaced with the keys you got from NIFCLOUD mobile backend respectively.

const e = window.cordova ? 'deviceready' : 'DOMContentLoaded';

document.addEventListener(e, async () => {
    try {
        const res = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
    } catch (e) {

    // For opening notification

    window.NCMB.monaca.setHandler(jsonData => {

Send push notifications

After installing the app, launch it and make sure the device token is registered in the Installation class of the NIFCLOUD mobile backend.

Then create a push notification in NIFCLOUD mobile backend.

Wait a bit and you will see the push notification on your Android screen.

Last updated

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