Facebook Single Sign-on App
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In this page, you will learn how to use Facebook's Single Sign-On (SSO) with Monaca Cloud IDE using Angular 1 and Onsen UI. The authentication is done by cordova-plugin-facebook4. This plugin will use the native Facebook app to perform Single Sign On for the user; otherwise, the sign on will degrade gracefully using the standard dialog based authentication.
To check third party cordova plugins, you need to create a custom build debugger ( Android version or iOS version
The following settings are required in config.xml.
<platform name="android">
    <preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="22"/>
Import Facebook Single Sign-on App to your Monaca Account
Tested Environment
Android 11.0
iOS 14.3
are required by the cordova-plugin-facebook4
plugin. These two values can be found in the Facebook for Developer console after registering your app. To do so, please proceed as follows:
Go to Facebook for Developers and log in with your Facebook account.
Go to My Apps → Add a New App
3. Input the necessary information of your app and click Create App ID
4. From the Dashboard, go to Settings and you will be able to find the APP_ID
(App ID) and APP_NAME
(Display Name).
5. Now it’s time to add the platform(s) of the devices which will run your app by clicking + Add Platform
6. If your app will run on Android, select Android
7. Fill in the necessary information as shown below and click Save Changes
Google Play Package Name
: is the Android’s Package Name you configured in Monaca Cloud IDE for Android App Settings.
Key Hashes
: is the SHA-1 fingerprint of the KeyStore you configured in Monaca Cloud IDE for Android KeyStore Settings. Please refer to How to get SHA-1 fingerprint of a keystore created in Monaca Cloud IDE.
Enable Single Sign On
8. If your app will run on iOS as well, Click + Add Platform
and select iOS
9. Fill in the necessary information as shown below and Save Changes
Bundle ID
: is the iOS’s App ID you configured in Monaca Cloud IDE for iOS App Settings.
Enable Single Sign On
Import Facebook Single Sign-on App to your Monaca Account
The authentication is done by cordova-plugin-facebook4. This plugin will use the native Facebook app to perform Single Sign-on for the user; otherwise, the sign on will degrade gracefully using the standard dialog based authentication.
Before starting to use the plugin, you are required to input the APP_ID
values within the plugin’s configuration as follows:
From Monaca Cloud IDE menu, go to Configure → Cordova Plugin Settings
Under the Enabled Plugins section, hover over cordova-plugin-facebook4
and click Configure
3. Input the APP_ID
values you got in the Prerequisite section. See the screenshot below as an example:
4. Click OK
to complete the configuration.
The startup Page
Login Page
User profile Page
A stylesheet file for the application
A JavaScript file for implementation of the application
This file is the startup page of the application. As you can see within the <body>
tag, there is only one ons-navigator component. It provides page stack management and navigation. The attribute page is used to identify the first page in the stack.
This page is a login page. If there is existing login information found in the device, it will be automatically redirected to profile.html
This page is a user's Facebook profile page.
This file consists of the CSS style for the navigation bar and Facebook profile image.
Inside this file, there is a service, called StorageService
, to store the login information of the user using the device's Local Storage. There are also two controllers such as HomeCtrl
and ProfileCtrl
which are the controllers for home.html
and profile.html
pages, respectively.
controller consists of several functions used within the home.html
page. Once, the page is loaded, the CheckLoginStatus()
function is triggered to check if there is any existing login information. If the login information is found, the myNavigator.pushPage()
function is called to navigate to profile.html
page showing the user's Facebook profile as found in the login information. When the user clicks on Connect to Facebook
button, the Login()
function is triggered. In this function, the facebookConnectPlugin.login()
function is called to show the native Facebook authentication dialog. If the login is successful, the login information will be stored in the device's local storage via StorageService.setLoginUser()
function and then the myNavigator.pushPage()
function is called to navigate to profile.html
If you have logged in with a Facebook app on your device, the information of that account will be automatically grabbed and used in this app. If you want to login with a different account, please go to your Facebook app and change the account there.
However, if you do not have a Facebook app on your device or you have not logged in the existing Facebook app on your device, the authentication screen will appear:
In the ProfileCtrl
controller, there are 2 functions: Logout()
and LogoutFromFacebook()
. The Logout()
function is called when the user clicks on the Logout icon on the top-right corner of the Profile page. Inside the Logout()
function, a confirmation dialog is shown. If the user selects Yes
, both LogoutFromFacebook()
function StorageService
service are called to log the user out and remove the login information from the device's local storage, respectively.